Wednesday, September 20, 2006


What do we as a culture think is important? What do we set values on?
I realized today that most of the things that I care most about are frivolous and/or pointless. Take video games for example, I set a big value on winning this game that takes only half an hour and affects nothing in the real world except my ego. Another example is food; I would choose ice cream over salad just about any time you would ask me, yet how does the ice cream help me other than tasting sweet? There are a lot of things that I take to be more "important" than my devotions and schoolwork just because they're more "fun". I would also rather have more stuff too. If I had a choice between doing my homework and getting a free video game, carton of ice-cream, etc, sadly, I would choose the stuff.
I think that today, we set more value on pleasure, belongings, and laziness than on work and genuine accomplishment. All of us avaricious, materialistic, funaholics need to re-focus our goals and look at what's really important.(including me)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Interesting to look at culture as a whole. If you read Pastor Bayly's blog you might then look at what modern day churches view as important. Might be something interesting to blog about.
Love, Mom