Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Some of my favorite quotes

This contains quotes which I have heard from friends or family which I find funny, interesting, etc, it will probably be added to later and maybe even copied to the sidebar, but here's a start. I've actually forgotten the context of some of these, but that makes them funnier. Some of my favorite quotes will not be posted here due to content. (most of these are relatively inside jokes)

"They're a deeper part of my aboveness." -Isaac G.
"I believe my watch is meant for my wrist, not your toes." -David A. to Isaac G.
"I like 'ism's" -David A.
"philosophical (pronounced fil-AHS-uh-fic-al) -Mom
"I was a variable in my last life." also "I was an egyptian goddess in my last life." -Isaac G.
"Euctalipless leaves" -Bethie (me sis)
"Yours is Punkinheads" -Mom
"I put the dog down up." -Josh (me bro)
"I don't speak.... whatever that is." -Chris V.


[David says something smart]
"David, you're a logophile" -Mom
"I'm a logophobe." -me
"I'm a phogolobe" -Isaac G.

[Mom says something wrong]
"Mom has a pronationunci plobrem" -me
"She put the wrong emphasis (em-FAH-sis) on the wrong syllable (sih-LAH-bul)" -David A.
"Or maybe the right emphasis (em-fah-SIS) on the wrong syllable (sih-luh-BUL)" -me
"Oh, shut up and let me say it right." (something along those lines) -Mom

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