Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here is yet another art project. It's a dilapidated castle/tower-type thing. This one was really fun. Last week, we used stiff pieces of paper to drag paint up the paper, giving the tower effect. This week, we detailed it using pen and ink. I think a couple people used felt-tip pens. I haven't given mine a watercolor wash yet, but others have. Anyways, this picture is of two of my three pictures put together. I did them so that they could be combined. The other one I experimented with and it came out cool, but odd and different. I may post it some other time when I finish it.


Anonymous said...

whee ...

Hey what is up with the thing that "artist name - song name" thingy?? It has a play button but that doesn't do anything ...

Mashed Potatoes said...

well, it's a music player, but 'tis not complete. One reason might be that it has no music in it. I am trying to figure out how to upload music from me compy. Any insight on said matter would be very useful.

Josh said...

that's easy, i will show u when i get home.