Sunday, April 01, 2007

Nerdy Lightsaber Fight

Check this out. It's hilarious. These guys definitely have way too much time on their hands. Lightsaber fight


Josh said...

I might be the first to die from a question. Here it is. Has anyone ever died from chocolate milk exposure?

Mashed Potatoes said...

I assume you have heard about the spill of a biochemical agent near our house. This agent is known to some as "rancid chocolate milk". I prefer to call it "clean up quick and don't throw up". However, due to recent scientific studies, no one has yet shown any sign of dying or other adverse effects after the spill was decontaminated and eradicated. During the spill, some subjects showed signs of a phenomenon known as "gag reflex", but no one succumbed to this insidious and involuntary reaction.