Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Road Trip

Me and my family recently went on a road trip to Nebraska. (The following takes place between Saint Louis and Nebraska) We were getting along fine until about 2 hours into the trip, when my sisters got bored. About an hour after that, me and my brother got bored. It all went downhill from there. From that point on, the trip was mainly fighting or complaining.

Well, we finally made it there, visited the relatives, and had a relatively good time. We played pool, card games, and board games with our cousins. Everything was fine.

Then it was time to head back.

On this trip, I realized that our family desn't do well when put together in a tight place for 14 hours. Now, this might be perfectly normal, but it doesn't seem right; so I tried to figure out why. I think that if we as a family spent more time together (watching TV doesn't count), that we would get along a lot better.


Kim said...

But today you turned down time at the park. Perhaps you and Josh bonded while watching TV? Boo hoo!

Mashed Potatoes said...

I was feeling sick as was Josh. If I wasn't feeling sick you know good and well that I would have gone with.

Kim said...

your prepositions are dangling terribly.

Mashed Potatoes said...

I use prepositions when I talk. I can't help it if they feel like dangling

Mashed Potatoes said...

And furthermore, bah humbug!