Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Add-on story

Alright, before we get started, I'm going to set a few rules. All comments (add-ons) should be between one sentence and one paragraph long, with a few exceptions if absolutely necessary. If you do not want your sentence to be added to, please end it with a period, exclamation point, or question mark. Also, no overly disgusting content; try to keep it pg. Hopefully this will be fun.

Nobody likes me thought Billy as he walked down the sidewalk outside his school. His horrible teacher had just given him an assignment to teach the class next week. Then he saw something very strange in the playground. He squinted, trying to make it out...

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I just helped mom renovate her blog. Personally, I think it looks a lot cooler than it used to. We found a picture we liked on a free picture site and I changed it to make it look cool. That's the cool deer-type picture at the top left. I also tiled part of the phot to stretch it across the screen. Then I removed the old parts of the blog and after picking out some initial colors, mom helped me fine-tune some of them. It's still not complete, but it's a lot closer. So if you would, please check it out at "Mom's Blog" and let me know what you think.


Do you like my ninja? If so, please call me at 1-800-THIS-NUMBER-DOES-NOT-EXIST to order yours now! I offer a full range of ninja drawing services, including but not limited to:

  • Ninja
  • Ninja with sword
  • Ninja with spear
  • Ninja with two swords

Call now and be the first blog on the block to have your very own ninja! If you call or comment within one day of this blog being posted, you get a second ninja free!

All for only 20 easy payments of $19.95!*

*offer valid only while supplies last

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Yesterday I got my driver's license....

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, I'm going to try using a new blogger feature, but I have to ditch my current template in order to do so. It may look strange for a while before I return it to its original form, or I may change it altogether.

Art and power failure

Well, this past week in art class I finished my first dragon and started a second. The second, however, is in watercolor pencil, not watercolor. There is a very big difference in style, etc, between these two, but I like both, because each has different strengths. The actual watercolor gets a much better wash effect, but my watercolor pencils didn't cause ink to bleed like it did in the first one, and they are much more precise. Anyway, I'm now thinking about colors for the second dragon. I didn't get to post these as soon as I wanted to, and I may not be able to post again this week, because we had no power for over 24 hours. Consequently, I am somewhat behind in my all my courses, but especially my online courses.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Anyways, for physics, we haven't liked recent experiments so we constructed 3-D structures from toothpicks and spice drops, as it would probably be difficult to construct 2-D structures from them.... so, here 'tis, with a can of diet pepsi for size reference. Isaac made a cool dome thing that looks like a jungle gym. David made a suspension bridge, difficult, considering the medium. It didn't last so long, but 'twas pretty cool. Then he made a tower thingy. Anyways, the pyramid is cool, because I made it out of triangles (a few diamonds) but it's strong enough that you can pick up the entire structure by the top spice drop.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Can you draw a dragon?

Anyways, we did a cool project in art today. This is a pen and ink/watercolor dragon. I'm not sure what color of wash to put over the background and rocks, so any help would be appreciated. I was thinking maybe gray and dark gray... anyways, hopefully mobius will put up his dragon and his pen and ink landscape. His landscape is amazing. Ye olde goldilockes should put his up too.