Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Add-on story

Alright, before we get started, I'm going to set a few rules. All comments (add-ons) should be between one sentence and one paragraph long, with a few exceptions if absolutely necessary. If you do not want your sentence to be added to, please end it with a period, exclamation point, or question mark. Also, no overly disgusting content; try to keep it pg. Hopefully this will be fun.

Nobody likes me thought Billy as he walked down the sidewalk outside his school. His horrible teacher had just given him an assignment to teach the class next week. Then he saw something very strange in the playground. He squinted, trying to make it out...


Kim said...

alas, it was his teacher, laying upon the ground. What had happened? Had some student...

Josh said...

stabbed the poor teacher with the sword lying nearby? No, that could not be it. There was no blood on the sword. He picked up the sword and slowly examined it. He began to feel a very odd sensation. Almost as if he was standing here and somewhere far away at the same time! Suddenly...

Mashed Potatoes said...

a jabberwock came whiffling through the tulgey woods, yelling "run, Billy! Run!"

Josh said...

Billy looked up quickly and saw several creatures resembling bipedal pigs angrily running at him with an array of medieval type weaponry. He turned toward where the school used to be, but there was only the entrance to a forest. Billy decided to run that way as those creatures did not appear capable of climbing trees.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Unfortunately, at that moment Billy remembered that he too was incapable of climbing trees. Faced with this new dilemma, he...

Josh said...

promptly played dead. I mean it's better than actually being dead isn't it?

Anonymous said...

After lying on the ground for upwards of 5 seconds, Billy realized that while he couldn't climb trees, he could dig better than a mole...

Mashed Potatoes said...

so he decided to dig to China. Unfortunately after digging through the earth's crust, it started to get very hot, so he...

Anonymous said...

Burped. Because everyone knows the core of the earth is just "livewire" Mountain Dew.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Soon, however, he became very ill from an extreme case of indigestion because of ingesting so much mountain dew. Due to this fact, he...

Anonymous said...

decided it was about time to either commit suicide or try to run home to momy befor it is to late. Thus he...

Mashed Potatoes said...

Ran home to mommy while too-lating his suicide?....