Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Art again

Here be my drawings. The tunnel-type one is this week's and the barn is last week's. Even though in this picture, the doorway to the left looks tilted, it really isn't when you look at it in real life, don't know what's up with that... Anyway, here they are, enjoy.


Anonymous said...

You're lowering mt self-esteem again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Maybe you should be an artist...


Mashed Potatoes said...

It raised my self-esteem. Maybe our self-esteems are inversely proportional to each other. or pi squared. or something.

BTW-thanks Josh

Anonymous said...

Maybe your self-esteem should be based on nothing more than the fact that God loves you and will use you to glorify Him????

Hmmm... in otherwords, quit comparing. It's always a downer.
Blessings, Mom/Mrs. J

Mashed Potatoes said...

what she said.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who understands sarcasm?

Mashed Potatoes said...

You're the only one who understands you. Hah! No sarcasm there! Which means that I must not understand it! Or because I know enough to know it's not there, do I understand it? By leaving it out am I showing ignorance or understanding? I don't understand!

Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion to our story, "Billy gets a head ache"

In further news, Mobius, I was being sarcasmistical in my comment of the fourth part to the comment of the first part which directly relates to the comment of the second part in paragraph 1. Comment of the third part, hereafter referred to as comment of the third part, is inderectly unrelated to the implications of the comment of the fourth part's comment of the comment of the first part.

Mashed Potatoes said...

beat that.

Anonymous said...

Really cool, Aaron. Here's another challenge for you: The barn at the corner of Acuff Rd. & Maple Grove Rd. It's my favorite barn (I have a picture of it on my dresser) and it would make a great pen & ink drawing. Go for it. Looking forward to more!

Mrs. C.

ps: Feed me.......I'm HUNGRY! :)

Mashed Potatoes said...

Sorry, I am muffinless at the moment