Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Alright, some of you are going to get mad at me, but this is just a joke so don't take it too seriously.

Everybody knows that girls require time and money.


We also know that time is money.




If money is the root of all evil (as is often misquoted),

money=evil^1/2 (square root of evil)


thus, girls=evil.

By the way, I think this works better when you replace "girls" with "mom". I'm gonna get slapped for that one.


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid you'll get more than slapped for that.

Also, you left out part of the equation. God made women to complete men, so man+woman=1.

Finally, as we all should know, the-love-of-money=SQRTevil.

Three mistakes in one blog?!? I would shame you for that, except God is 3 in 1.

Anonymous said...

he did mention the money/evil thing. he mentioned that he was using it as it is usuall misquoted, he used mathematical symbols, rather than words. harder to follow, but he did it. and, not sure about the slapping. if he doesn't exist, no matter how evil I am (not) I can't slap him. and, if I don't exist then am I really evil? of course, only david will understand this in light of recent emails, unless of course they do not exist since if neither of us exists (mammals don't exist) then we are dreaming this all in our fishy state at the bottom of the sea.

by the way, "There's a hole in the bottom of the sea..."

Sorry, too much singing with elementary aged young ladies.

Mashed Potatoes said...

...ummmm... man+woman=1 does not fit anywhere into this equation, I am not using variables "woman" or "man". Second, evil^1/2 is the same as SQRTevil, I couldn't figure out which way to put it. Third, I mentioned that I misquoted it, as feet-of-deer-type-creatures already stated. So, no mistakes aside than MAYBE the slapping one, but that's stretching it. That makes three mistakes in YOUR comment, not MY blog. Case closed. You lose.

Anonymous said...

Well, if-ins ya'lls gonna gang up onna me like dat, I's rekon I'll kept my ignamus taughts to misilf.

Anonymous said...

i rekun youun has been a readin' some huck finn

Mashed Potatoes said...

You should know, you assigned it to us...

Anonymous said...

Actually, aside from the fact that it is IN THE CURRICULUM GUIDE, you have Mr. Moxey to thank for the second Twain reading. However, you SHOULD thank him. How delightful is it to sit by a fireside and read Mark Twain? I could have always assigned "that other book." Two of you know of that of which I will not speak. That horrid piece of literary confusion which was best used as a frisbee...

Mashed Potatoes said...

Heh heh... I think you may be speaking of "Chronicles of the Crusades" which left our curriculum as an AOA (airborne object of atrocity, not angle of attack, for you pilots out there)