Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Going through life is kind of like playing the violin. The longer you do it the better you get. The more you put into it the more you get out of it. If you slack, you fail. It takes skill and the right touch to do it well. You have to know the pace to set and the tune to play. It can be beautiful or ugly; when it's beautiful, you know you're doing it right; when it's ugly, you learn to compensate. You should never settle for second-best. And the farther you get from the beginnging of a piece, the closer you get to the end.

I would put this into a poem form, cuz 'twould be cool, however, I dunno how I would do it. Anyway, the similarities don't end there. Basically, do it for God and he'll bless you; do it for you and he'll knock you down. And don't ever give up, because in the tune we're playing, you never know what comes next until it comes. Stay focused and remember your purpose.


Josh said...

I don't know why, but that made me think of a song by Wayne Watson called "Touch of the Master's Hand." I think you heard it before, but don't know if you remember it.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Yeah, I've heard it. I've also heard a couple different versions of it. 'Tis a cool song.