Friday, November 03, 2006

The church

Did you notice my title? It doesn't say "a church" or "my church" or, well you get the point. The church isn't about buildings and it isn't about denominations. Anyone who is a Christian is a part of THE church.

Often, we squabble over minute bits of doctrine and microscopic theological beliefs when really we should be encouraging each other through fellowship and love. I'm not saying we should ignore theological differences; for example, if a "church" believes that you can get to heaven without Christ, I might be a little suspicious about the soundness of their beliefs. (by "a little" I really mean "a lot") Another example, believer baptism versus infant baptism. Should we be baptised soon after birth, or after we have some firm footing in the church? I lean more toward believer baptism but, just because someone else believes in infant baptism doesn't make them any less a Christian than me, or any less a part of the church. If somebody believes that no-one is a Christian until they're baptised, that I would be skeptical about. My point is this: unless the person/church involved doesn't add to the Bible, ignore the Bible, erase from the Bible, or in any other way deface or disobey God's word and teachings, they should be alright.

One of the main problems with us Christians today is that we're much more ready to debate theology then to evangelise and build God's kingdom. We need to stop, look at ourselves, and re-focus on God instead of the speck in our brother's eye.

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