Saturday, November 11, 2006

A poem of life

Life’s purpose is not of this world, of this life
Our soul will remain through our passing last breath
Pleasure is not the aim of our mortal strife
For while we live, we are moving toward death

Life does not last forever, the end is nearing
Don’t sleep through life, our time of action
Don’t wait for tomorrow perchance not appearing
Don’t hold to the past for it is gone

Rather live in the present, the here and the now
Acting according to heart and to God
Be great have an impact, don’t live like a cow
Be a beacon for those in the future downtrod

Give hope to the hopeless, give life to the dead
Live life to its fullest, with God as your head


Anonymous said...

I've never heard this before . . . most definitely not this morning . . .

In other news: tis "quite good, quite good". And "you ain't no teen girl."

Or a pregnant woman.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Furthermore, what's-her-face ate a heaping bowl of staple sauce. (for those of you who are extremely confused, I'm not even going to try to explain the insidedness of these... interesting... sayings)