Thursday, November 30, 2006

Under the Overpass

As some of you might recall, I used portions of this book in an earlier post titled Love Your Neighbor. This hit one or two of the points that are covered in this book but did not get anywhere close to the variety and depth of the subjects in this book.

This book, titled Under the Overpass, if you couldn't tell by my title, was written by Mike Yankoski, sort of "journal style". It is a journal of his life on the streets. Now you might wonder how a homeless person could write a book and get it published. Well, Mike wasn't exactly homeless in the complete sense of the word. He was attending college, going to a nice church, when he realised that he wasn't reaching out with Christ's word to those who are ignored most of the time. So he came up with a plan, asked friends, pastors, etc, and started his journey with his friend, Sam.

Him and Sam first went to two separate homeless shelters and spent almost a month there, learning what it was going to be like and starting to toughen up. They then proceeded to travel through Denver, Washington D.C., Portland, San Francisco, Phoenix, and San diego spending considerable time in each location to get the feel of it. This is an amazing book touching some issues that aren't thought of by most people.

In the conclusion of the book, he talks about what it is like to step back into his world of comforts, some things that have changed about his perception of the world, and other points and details of how even his everyday life was changed. I highly recommend this book.

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