Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What we deserve

I don't know about you, but I often find myself thinking that I shouldn't have to do as much as I do. I think I work for most of the day on most days, I deserve a break. But is that really what I deserve?

This line of thought isn't wrong in secular view, because, after all, doesn't everyone think that occasionally?, I mean, we're only human, right? Exactly. We're only human. That really sums it up. In a universe created by a loving, merciful, just, omnipotent, omnipresent God, we're only human. We were created perfect in a perfect world, we sinned, we fell, and now the world is literally falling apart.

Some people think that by shutting themselves off from the rest of the world, they can create a utopia. Guess what, they're wrong. Some scientists think that they can creat an artificial, self-sustaining, stand alone ecology. Guess what, they're wrong too. It's time that we realize we're only human. We are imperfect, sinful, twisted reflections of God. But we are not God. We were given the entire world by Him and we have proceeded to warp it into a poor reflection of its original glory.

What do we deserve? We don't deserve free time, we don't deserve pleasure, we don't deserve world peace. What we deserve is something we don't like to think about. We deserve punishment, we deserve death, we deserve eternal torment. Fortunately, God has given us a way to bypass what we deserve. He has taken all of our sins and foulness and laid it on Christ, his son. He has made a terrible sacrifice on behalf of the disgusting fallen creatures we call humans. He has set heaven before us, will we accept it?


Anonymous said...

Wow, this person wonders if it was really you writing that or some alien's dog taking over your mind. That's freakin amazing-ness. WOW. Hey I know what I'll post next now.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Thanks, I got started and just sort of kept going.