Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jekyll and Hyde

After reading Him and Mobius's poem, I was reminded of the lyrics to a song on one of our Petra CDs (by the way they're an awesome band). The song's name is "Jekyll and Hyde" on the CD with the same name and the lyrics are pretty self explanatory.

I have a secret that I let nobody see
An evil shadow that's been hanging over me
My alter ego that I try to hold at bay
But despite my good intentions he can always get away

He does the things that I don't want to do

Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside

I have this secret that I let nobody see
It's like a split personality
And the one I feed is the one who lives
The one I starve will be the one who gives

He won't do things that I know I should do

Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside
One gives, one takes, I have to decide
Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde

I need somebody to rescue me
When personalities clash
I know which person I want to be
With no defiance
Just God-reliance

© 2003 Inpop Records
Lyrics obtained from Christianrocklyrics.com.

I don't know about any of you but I can really relate to this song. Let me know what you guyses thinks. I may also be posting more of their lyrics in the future, and maybe even some songs if I can figure out that process.


Anonymous said...

I pity all Petra-lovers, but I have to admit the lyrics aren't bad.

Mashed Potatoes said...

*shoots anonymous with a potato gun*
I guess you're entitled to your own opinion. Are you somebody I know?

Anonymous said...

Well once upon a time there was this guy that discovered he looked forward to music postings of petra. And wonders if their style is rap or rock. And wonders what a potatoe gun feels like.

Mashed Potatoes said...

Their style is rock. And I could help you with the potato gun....